The Bonsai EPP flying wing is used as a trainer aircraft.  Although difficult to fly, the configuration is very crash-resistant, allowing for more flight time and less repair time.  The winglets are attached using double-sided tape – this allows for them to be easily removed for transport inside the original box and helps to protect them during crashes.

The original trainer had a few additional modifications throughout it’s life, the most notable being the ‘structual’ battery where the battery was glued into the nose in order to stiffen the section.  The airframe was slightly underpowered (on account of the age of the batteries), and would only fly on the calmest of days.

The rocket build features unlimited vertical at about 60 % throttle.  Take-off throttle is set quite low (~40 %) as the aircraft cannot overcome the torque produced by the propeller at low speeds.  3 m long streamers were added to the wingtips for added effect, and still leave the aircraft with plenty of excess power.  Not a build for beginner pilots unless the motor is derated with a smaller propeller or via a transmitter.

Mk I (Trainer)

  • 5×3 Turnigy Prop
  • Turnigy Plush 10A ESC
  • Turnigy 2200 kV Park250 Brushless Motor
  • 2S 800 mAh Turnigy LiPo
  • 2x DS65HB 6.5 gm Digital High Speed Servo
  • FrSky V8R2-II 2.4 GHz 4CH Rx
  • CG : ??
  • Weight :  ??

Mk II (Rocket Build)

  • 5x5E TGS Sport Propeller (4.5×4.5E TGS Propeller alternate)
  • Turnigy Plush 12A ESC
  • Turnigy 2211-2300 kV Brushless Motor
  • 3S 460 mAh NanoTech LiPo (25-40C)
  • 2x HXT900 9 gm servo
  • FrSky V8R2-II 2.4 GHz 4CH Rx
  • CG : 50 mm (from the rear of the firewall, ~ 8 mm in front of rear carbon rod)
  • Weight : 179 g

Transmitter Settings

  • V-tail mixing (elevator and rudder)
  • Dual Rates : 75% (Easy) | 100 % (Fun)
  • Expo : 15 % (Easy) | 50 % (Fun)

