A series of posts to familiarise with PX4 set up and development

Video: Alan’s Adventure

March 21st, 2018|0 Comments

This is a short video documenting our recent progress on aerial manipulation. We used PX4, ROS and Optitrack to achieve autonomous perching using a simple quadrotor. https://youtu.be/XjAHYiE-JD4


April 25th, 2017|Comments Off on Resources

Here is a list of good links to find information about various topics related to UAV work:

PX4 Research Log [7] – A closer look at mc_att_control

August 15th, 2016|16 Comments

"mc_att_control" is responsible for PX4 multicopter attitude control, this application can be found in "Firmware/src/modules/mc_att_control". Here is what I understand about this application. Start Similar to "mc_pos_control", this application is started by script "rc.mc_apps" on

PX4 Research Log [6] – A closer look at mc_pos_control

August 8th, 2016|0 Comments

The application responsible for multicopter position control exists in "Firmware/src/modules/mc_pos_control". I will describe what I understand about this application as much as I can in this blog. Start The application is started by the script