PX4 Research Log [13] – PX4 Off-board Control with MAVROS (2)

In the last tutorial we have set up the ROS environment to use MAVROS to talk to PX4. In this tutorial we will run a small example program to autonomously hover a simulated vehicle. Simulation First! We highly recommend you to try this program in simulation first, for safety reasons :) Start a PX4 simulation,

By |2022-12-20T08:44:10+00:00August 15th, 2017|Categories: Flight Control, PX4, Software, Tutorials|Tags: |3 Comments

PX4 Research Log [12] – PX4 Off-board Control with MAVROS (1)

Companion computer is a very efficient way to control your PX4 vehicle in off-board mode. We have tested various methods and we have concluded Robot Operating System (ROS) is the best way. Here is a series of tutorials guiding you to achieve off-board control. What you need: A Pixhawk or a Pixracer A Raspberry Pi

By |2022-12-20T08:44:10+00:00August 15th, 2017|Categories: Flight Control, PX4, Software, Tutorials|Tags: , , |0 Comments

PX4 Research Log [11] – Adding a new flight mode (create application)

In the last post we have set up the PX4 source code for our new flight mode, the flip mode. In this post I will continue finishing the flip mode by creating a new application in the firmware, which commands the attitude during the flip. 1. Create the flip_control application Creating a new application in

By |2022-12-20T08:44:10+00:00March 15th, 2017|Categories: Flight Control, PX4, Software, Tutorials|25 Comments
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